Nossa história
Somos uma empresa comercial multigeracional e familiar que começou em um pequeno apartamento na China em 1995. Agora temos vários escritórios e enviamos para mais de 30 países. Orgulhamo-nos dos valores de nossa família: INTEGRIDADE, HONESTIDADE e CONFIABILIDADE.
Através dos nossos relacionamentos de longa data com fabricantes chineses e dos nossos sistemas de controle de qualidade, garantimos que as remessas sejam entregues no prazo e conforme esperado. Nossa equipe bilíngue (chinês e inglês) trabalha 24 horas por dia para atender às necessidades de nossos clientes.
O que significa “Lucky Sound”?
Na década de 90, era comum fazer negócios por fax. O aparelho de fax emitia um som único. Chamávamos esse som de “lucky” (sortudo), pois significava que um pedido tinha acabado de chegar!
Nossa história
Fluorspar is used in the smelting of aluminium and steel, wherein it is employed as a flux. It has the ability to lower the melting point of some minerals which has made it a valuable commodity in the processing of various metals.
Specialised glasses, lenses and optical components for both personal and industrial use rely on fluorspar. Its low refractivity index and high transparency in the UV and IR ranges are what make it particularly attractive to these industries.
During the 19th century it was discovered that fluorspar would fluoresce when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. This discovery played a vital role in the eventual development of fluorescent lighting.
During the 20th century it was discovered that fluoride could have an important role to play in dental health. As a result, many parts of the world began adding fluoride to public water supplies. A process that continues to this day.
As we've mentioned fluorspar has long been prized for its ability to fluoresce when exposed to UV light. As a result, it is a favourite mineral for those engaged in the production of jewellery and other types of aesthetic ornamentation.