Nossa história
Somos uma empresa comercial multigeracional e familiar que começou em um pequeno apartamento na China em 1995. Agora temos vários escritórios e enviamos para mais de 30 países. Orgulhamo-nos dos valores de nossa família: INTEGRIDADE, HONESTIDADE e CONFIABILIDADE.
Através dos nossos relacionamentos de longa data com fabricantes chineses e dos nossos sistemas de controle de qualidade, garantimos que as remessas sejam entregues no prazo e conforme esperado. Nossa equipe bilíngue (chinês e inglês) trabalha 24 horas por dia para atender às necessidades de nossos clientes.
O que significa “Lucky Sound”?
Na década de 90, era comum fazer negócios por fax. O aparelho de fax emitia um som único. Chamávamos esse som de “lucky” (sortudo), pois significava que um pedido tinha acabado de chegar!
Nossa história
Because it is heat resistant and quite hard kyanite is a popular mineral with those who manufacture grinding and cutting wheels. Perhaps surprisingly, however, kyanite is not used primarily as an abrasive in such situations but instead, as a binding agent that helps hold other abrasive particles together so that the grinding or cutting wheel is able to retain its structural integrity.
Because of its ability to retain its strength at very high temperatures, kyanite is well suited to the production of high refractory strength porcelain. Those familiar with internal combustion engines will know kyanite as the porcelain insulator on the top of a spark plug. But that is not the only type of porcelain that employs kyanite. You will also find it in bathroom fixtures, sinks and even in dentures.
Due to its attractive and desirable colouring kyanite is a popular choice for the manufacture of various types of jewellery including earrings, pendants, beaded necklaces, rings and much more.