Unsere Geschichte
Wir sind ein über mehrere Generationen hinweg familiengeführtes Handelsunternehmen, das 1995 in einer kleinen Wohnung in China begann. Mittlerweile haben wir mehrere Büros und liefern in über 30 Länder. Wir sind stolz auf unsere Familienwerte: INTEGRITÄT, EHRLICHKEIT und ZUVERLÄSSIGKEIT.
Durch unsere langjährigen Beziehungen zu chinesischen Herstellern und unsere Qualitätskontrollsysteme stellen wir sicher, dass Lieferungen pünktlich und wie erwartet geliefert werden. Unser zweisprachiges Team (Chinesisch und Englisch) arbeitet rund um die Uhr, um die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden zu erfüllen.

Einkaufen in China leicht gemacht

Was bedeutet „Lucky Sound“?
In den 90er Jahren wurden Geschäfte oft per Fax abgewickelt. Wie Sie vielleicht wissen, gab das Faxgerät ein einzigartiges Geräusch von sich. Wir nannten dieses Geräusch „Glück“, da es bedeutete, dass gerade eine Bestellung eingegangen war!
Unsere Geschichte
Many types of diamond cutting tools rely on customised iron and alloy powders, which in turn are dependent on high purity iron. Both the cutting ability and durability of these tools are dependent on the stability of the iron powders used in their manufacture, hence the dependence on high purity iron. A high degree of consistency in the alloyed powders used to create these tools is also important in making them more effective.
Our high purity iron, available in both billets and bars, serves as the backbone for manufacturing a wide range of precision alloys. These materials are pivotal in industries where exacting specifications are crucial, including aerospace, automotive, and electronics. The superior purity of our iron ensures minimal impurity inclusion, resulting in alloys with enhanced electrical, magnetic, and thermal properties.
Electric heating elements, vital for various industrial heaters, furnaces, and resistors, rely on high purity iron for their construction. The low carbon, phosphorus, and sulfur content of our iron make it an ideal base material, offering consistent performance, longevity, and resistance to oxidation at high temperatures.
The smelting of low-carbon and ultra-low carbon stainless steel demands the highest purity iron as a starting material. Our industrial-grade iron billets and bars are pivotal in producing stainless steel that features enhanced corrosion resistance, mechanical strength, and welding capabilities, meeting the stringent requirements of construction, medical, and food processing equipment manufacturing.
Powder metallurgy industries utilise our high purity iron, processed into powder form, to create parts and components with precise dimensional tolerances and varied porosity. This method enables the production of complex shapes and materials that would be challenging or impossible to achieve through traditional manufacturing techniques, including high-performance gears, bearings, and filtration systems.