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"행운의 소리"는 무엇을 의미합니까?
90년대에는 팩스로 업무를 처리하는 경우가 많았습니다. 아시다시피 팩스기에서 독특한 소리가 났습니다. 우리는 이 소리를 "행운"이라고 불렀습니다. 주문이 막 들어왔다는 의미였거든요!
우리의 이야기
Steelmakers who use electric arc furnaces are big users of graphite electrodes. Some 70 to 80% of graphite electrodes produced worldwide are used in steelmaking. In electric arc steelmaking graphite electrodes are used to introduce a current to the furnace and leverage the high temperature generated by the arc between them and the charge to perform smelting.
A submerged electric arc furnace is typically used to produce silicon and yellow phosphorus. The key to both the electric arc furnace and the submerged electric arc furnace is the resistance which generates the required heat. The difference is that in an electric arc furnace, the atmosphere produces the resistance while in a submerged electric arc furnace the resistance is provided by the slag.
Resistance furnaces include electric furnaces for making silicon carbide, furnaces for melting glass and graphitization furnaces for producing various graphite products. Inside these furnaces are the resistors and the objects to be heated. In most cases, graphite electrodes are embedded at the end of a resistance furnace.
Graphitized blank graphite is used for processing into various moulds, boats and heating elements along with a variety of other specially shaped graphite products. Other specially shaped graphite products include carbon materials for bioengineering, porous carbon, glassy carbon, graphite interlayer compounds and graphite for lasers.